WARNING: Beware of the existing websites and blogs that scattered in the web that claims that the infos they presented about this church were true. Examine carefully the said websites and blogs first before believing. These are works of the detractors of the church making disinformation for those who are searching about the Iglesia ni Cristo.

Administration and Organization

The head of the church is called the "Executive Minister" (Tagapamahalang Pangkalahatan in Tagalog).

Iglesia ni Cristo Executive Ministers
Name Tenure of office

Felix Y. Manalo July 27, 1914 – April 12, 1963
Eraño G. Manalo April 23, 1963 – August 31, 2009
Eduardo V. Manalo September 8, 2009 – Present

On choosing the next administrator of the church, succession is done through election. Brother Erano Manalo was elected by church ministers in 1953 to be the Deputy Executive Minister, as well as Brother Eduardo Manalo was elected by the assembly of district ministers in 1994.

The Church's General Evangelist is Brother Bienvenido Santiago Sr., General Secretary is Brother Benefrido Santiago, General Auditor is Brother Glicerio Santos Jr. and General Treasurer is Brother Ernesto Suratos. 

The Church's Economic Council is composed of the Executive Minister, General Evangelist, General Secretary, General Auditor, General Treasurer and District Ministers.

Ecclesiastical Districts (Dioceses) are led by district ministers, local congregations (Parishes) are led by its resident minister. A locale has minister/s, deacons, deaconesses, choirs, SCANs, finance department, secretary department, and light of salvation department.

The church has its Christian Family Organizations (Buklod, Kadiwa and Binhi):

Buklod (Bond) is the organization of married members.
Kadiwa (acronym of a Filipino phrase meaning “youth with a noble intent”) is the organization of single members 18 years old and above.
Binhi (seed) is the organization of members who are 13-17 years old.



The Central Office and Central Temple is inside the Central Complex and is located at Central Avenue, New Era, Quezon City, Philippines.

The Central office is comprise of departments divided into sub-offices and sections. It includes the office of the Executive Minister.

The Central Temple was opened on July 27, 1984 and has a seating capacity of 7,000. This is the biggest chapel of the church.