WARNING: Beware of the existing websites and blogs that scattered in the web that claims that the infos they presented about this church were true. Examine carefully the said websites and blogs first before believing. These are works of the detractors of the church making disinformation for those who are searching about the Iglesia ni Cristo.

Former Buddhist: Tomio Horie

"God has definitely touched my life" 

By Tomio Horie

THE ONLY RELIGION I had previously known was Buddhism.  I was raised by my parents believing that freeing oneself from material desires, a practicing Buddhist can attain nirvana or spiritual peace. Once a Buddhist has attained nirvana, he will then be able to use his time to improve the world. I had no idea about God then. My idea of divinity was the statue of Buddha with his arms folded on his lap and a beatific smile on his face. During summertime, I would typically attend some religious rituals and ceremonies held in Buddhist shrines or temples and participate in local festivals.
In 1978 I married Yasuko  Asai. We were blessed with two kids named Hitomi and Yasunori. During that time, my life was devoted to my job. I was focused on material gains, on earning much in order to let my family enjoy a comfortable life, yet I hardly spend time with my family. Until one day, something unexpected came up and my wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. I consulted different Doctors in a frantic effort to save my wife. 

In the process, almost all my savings went to the payment of medical and hospital bills. Despite all that I had done, my wife died at the age of 44 on March 18, 1998. The loss of my wife brought a lot of changes in my family. But despite the sorrow of losing her, life  had to go on, I had to raise my two kids alone and continue working  at the same time--being a single parent.

In 2001, I went to the Philippines where I was introduced to the Church of Christ. I flew back to Japan to find the Church there and I went straight to the Iglesia ni Cristo house of worship. in Yokohama, with ardent interest in joining the Church. I continued listening to the fundamental doctrines and regularly attended the worship services, and slowly I was able to understand the teaching of the Church and the truth about the words of God. 

I realized that material possessions are not the most important things man should have in order to have a happy and peaceful life. The teaching that had the biggest impact on me was the existence of the one true God, the Father. I also appreciated and wholeheartedly accepted the teachings of the Bible on loving and caring for one's family, spending valuable time with your family while at the same time working hard to provide for all their needs. This was in sharp contrast with my past experience wherein my family was relegated to second place because I worked so hard for the money. These are just some of the reasons that convinced me about the truthfulness of the teachings in the Church of Christ. 

By God's grace, I was baptized on February 9, 2002. I came from a place where most people do not believe in God, but because of His overflowing love for me, He called me to His Church and gave me the chance to serve Him. I am truly fortunate because the words of God guided me to become a member of the true Church of Christ. Now I am certain of salvation. At present, I am the 4th Head Deacon in the local congregation of Kawasaki. I am truly thankful that God has definitely touched my life.

Source: Pasugo January 2010